Margareth Sherry

July 14 2010
 Hi, Please click in the picture if you only want to see the picture without story..and from there you can see all the picture, just click on  the picture
Pemirsah, klo hanya ingin lihat gbrnya saja tanpa ceritah, tinggal klik di gbr dan setelah itu klik2 saja gbr yg ingin dilihat..:)
Cross Stitch
This is where I put all my finished cross stitch project, hope you enjoy seeing it. 
Tusuk Silang, Kristik, Strimin

Seni sulam , membuat gambar dengan membuat tusuk silang yg membentuk gambar. 
Disini tempatku menyimpan seluruh karya kristikku yuk..selamat menikmati

made on 25ct DMC , DMC floss
Squeaky clean 

Room for Two..

Wrap up warm
