Happy together

Fabric : 25ct evenwave , dmc thread 

This is my first Soda, I think it's a trend in Indonesian cross stitcher, many girls like to make it. In every shop or Indonesian online shop they sell soda pattern with the same price and I'm the follower of the trend :)

I'm using 25ct evenwave,  over 2 thread. The color is very bright, the picture is beautiful, Easy to follow chart, all fullstitch and what I like it most is the pose of this two young couple. it's really unique.

sodaku pertama, di kristik di kain 25ct evenwave menggunakan dua helai benang, gambarnya cantik,warnanya cerah, polanya mudah diikuti dan lagi trendi di kalangan tukang kristik di Indonesia so aku ikutan ah...senangnya
